一:zin是什么意思 abbr.zinfandel (grapes or wine) 馨芬黛葡萄酒(或葡萄) 二:zin的音标 英音[‘zɪn] 美音[‘zɪn] 三:zin的例句和用法 As an example , in shanghai , which has the highest urban population in china , the number of shanghai natives — as zin those with a hukou — has actually been dropping for the last 17 years in a row , even though the city ‘s population has been increasing . 例如,中国城市人口最多的上海,上海本地人口数有上海户口的人确实在过去的17年里不断减少,尽管整个城市人口增长了。 相关英语单词推荐:
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